Get Your Premium Design Template

For a one-time fee of $299, you receive an advanced email template created by a professional designer dedicated to your business.

To create your email template design, we’ll need a link to your website or a PDF that shows your
organization’s branding, colors, and logo. Our expert designers will provide a draft within 5-7 business days that you can either revise on your own or refine with our talented technical team. 

This service includes the following. We will:
  • Modify an advanced email template with your preferred colors and branding
  • Deliver a draft within 5-7 business days
  • Work with your designer to complete up to two sets of revisions. Allow two rounds of revisions
You will have a period of 15 business days after work is finalized and accepted to report any problems. After the 15 day period expires, any additional work required may be charged at an hourly rate.

We can additionally provide text content assistance:

Please specify any website links that we should base the design on. If you have a website, we will include your standard navigation links, so you don't need to specify those here: